Prof. Dr. Michael Roden
Principal Investigator

Dr. Sabine Kahl
Deputy PI / senior Research Scientist

Focusing on human studies on hepatic energy metabolism as well as hepatic glucose and lipid fluxes, aiming at a better understanding of the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Also setting up and conducting clinical trials investigating hepatic effects of antihyperglycemic compounds in type 2 diabetes patients.

Dr. Dominik Pesta
senior Research Scientist

Currently elucidating cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome and finding ways to ameliorate these with different lifestyle interventions such as physical activity and nutrition.

Dr. Lucia Mastrototaro
Postdoctoral Fellow

I have a strong interest in cell metabolism, protein expression and protein signaling pathways.
Currently focusing on exosomes and how exercise influences their content in type 2 diabetes. Since exosomes carry functional molecules and mediate organ cross talk, they might represent an innovative target for early diagnosis and targeted therapy in the treatment of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders.

Dr. Sofiya Gancheva
Clinician Scientist

My reaserch interest is focused on the study of brain control of metabolism using non-invasive techniques for insulin delivery to the human brain and vagal nerve stimulation. Furthermore, I investigate the role of hepatic mitochondria for the development and progression of metabolic disease and the molecular mechanism underlying the improvement of skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity after weight loss.

Dr. Maria Apostolopoulou
clinician Scientist

Interested in elucidating mechanisms implicated in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic liver disease and how metabolic parameters change following innovative training interventions as well as the practical implications in clinical setting

Dr. Bedair Dewidar

I am focusing on animal studies on hepatic energy metabolism and insulin resistance. Currently, I am trying to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in different animal models, primary cells, and cell lines. The obtained data will be extrapolated to humans with NAFLD with the aim of characterizing new potential therapeutics for this disease.

Dr. Theresia Sarabhai
Clinician Scientist

My research interest is focused on hepatic energy metabolism, hepatic glucose fluxes and insulin resistance, as well as novel therapy approaches for diabetes and diabetic foot syndrome in human clinical studies.

Nina Saatmann
PhD Student

My research interest is focused on metabolic and cardiovascular effects of resistance training in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Since skeletal muscle is of particular importance for glucose homeostasis the preservation of skeletal muscle function is essential for people with type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Kalliopi Pafili

Interested in the study of hepatic and adipose tissue energy metabolism, hepatic glucose and lipid fluxes, aiming at a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis and progression of insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in human clinical studies.

Michelle Reina Do Fundo
Lab Assistant

I always wanted to help understand processes in the human body and the molecular basis of illness and health so that in the future diagnosis and preventive measures can be improved and diseases treated in a more targeted manner.

Dr. Alexandra Müller
Project Manager

Project and Quality Management of clinical trials that are initiated by our working group and the DDFG. Main focus: Diabetes mellitus type 2 and Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH).

Fariba Zivehe
Lab Assistant

Through my work, I would like to contribute to a better understanding of diabetes in order to be able to treat patients in a more targeted manner in the future and thus to improve their quality of life. The diversity of my professional field fascinates and delights me.

Jan-Marc Leonhard
Biological-technical Assistant

I always thought that disease research is an important and intriguing field.With my work I am dedicating my energy to understanding and combatting Diabetes. My primary task in the group is protein analysis via Western Blot.